Most people understand the importance of seeing their medical doctor for regular exams in order to maintain their health. But seeing an eye doctor for vision exams on a regular basis is just as important in order to maintain proper eye heath. Here’s what you can do to protect your vision at any age.
Start Early
The old saying about the early bird catching the worm is an accurate one, as many eye conditions are more effectively treated the earlier they are detected. Unfortunately, many children are not getting regular eye exams, instead relying on simple screenings that do not detect many forms of eye disease. For example, Amblyopia, a vision development disorder, can affect 2-3% of all children. If promptly treated, vision loss can be avoided. But if left untreated, it can escalate to the point of legal blindness.
Start Later
Even though the best time to start your visits to the eye doctor is while you are young, it is OK to start later in life. Don’t get the idea that if you did not have eye exams as a child, there is no point going as an adult. It is never too late to start caring for your eyes! There are many treatment options available for adults so don’t hesitate to address any vision concerns as you get older.
Prevent Eye Diseases with Continued Care
As you age, regular eye exams can detect many eye diseases that can cause serious damage if not treated such as:
- Cataracts
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Glaucoma
- Age-related macular degeneration
Many eye diseases start without any symptoms and therefore go unnoticed for long periods of time, making treatment options more difficult in some cases. A comprehensive eye exam is the best way to detect these diseases in their early stages when treatment is most effective for preventing vision loss.
Establish Routine Vision Exams for the Whole Family
The best way to maintain healthy vision is to establish a schedule for exams for each member of the family and stick to it. It is recommended the children get their first exam at 6 months, then at age 3 and again before kindergarten. Eye exams should be performed on an annual basis after age 5 and throughout life. People with diabetes and those with a higher risk for glaucoma should get a dilated eye exam every year.
Regular visits to your optometrist can keep your vision strong throughout your life. Contact Family Vision Development Center in Aurora at 630-862-2020 to schedule an appointment for each of your family members to get started on better eye health.