Monthly Archives: March

perfect glasses

3 Simple Tips for Finding the Perfect Glasses

Discovering the perfect glasses is like hitting a jackpot – and you get to enjoy the rewards every day! Besides the obvious benefit of improving your vision, the right glasses can enhance your style, improve your mood and boost your overall self-esteem.  Taking the time to select the best pair can really pay off in the long run, and it’s easy if you pay attention to the following three steps.

Consider the Type of Vision Correction Needed

First and foremost, your perfect glasses will need to be chosen based on what type of vision correction is necessary.  For example, a person who has trouble focusing on words when reading close up would need different lenses than someone who has trouble seeing objects in the distance.  And there are also those that need to correct a combination of vision problems with one pair of glasses.  Some of the most common lens options include:

  • Single vision lenses in which the entire lens has the same prescription power. These work when there is only one vision issue that needs to be addressed, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.
  • Bifocal lenses which incorporate one prescription on the lower portion of the lens and a different prescription in the upper part of the lens, with a visible line dividing the two. These lenses treat both near and far vision.
  • Trifocal lenses are similar to bifocal lenses, but they add in a middle-distance prescription
  • Progressive lenses incorporate near-, far- and middle-distance correction, but instead of distinct lines separating the prescriptions, they provide a smoother transition as you look from near to far.

Additionally, there are a variety of lens coatings you can add to customize your lenses such as scratch resistant, anti-reflective, anti-fog, blue light blocking or tinted.  Your perfect glasses will be the right combination of vision correction and special features to meet your needs.

Examine Your Face Shape

There is such a wide variety of frame styles and colors available, it might be difficult to know where to begin.  One great way to narrow it down is to first determine the shape of your face.  Different frame styles tend to compliment particular face shapes.  So, to find your perfect glasses consider the following suggestions based on the shape of your face:

  • Round – Choose frames that are rectangular or square, as they tend to make a face look slimmer and longer
  • Square – Oval or round frames will help balance the angular features of this face shape
  • Heart – Frames that are wider at the bottom will offset the wider forehead of this face shape, adding width to the narrower part of the face. Rounded frames can also be flattering here.
  • Oval – Stick with frames that are wider than the broadest part of your face, that are not overly large, to maintain the symmetry of an oval face
  • Diamond – Compliment a narrow forehead and chin by choosing frames that are wider than the cheekbones, such as cat eye or oval styles

Of course, this is just a good place to start.  Sometimes you put on a pair and you just know they are the right choice.  For this reason, it’s a good idea to try on several options to get a feel for which style you feel most comfortable in.

Keep Lifestyle Factors in Mind

Finally, when searching for the perfect glasses, it is important to keep your lifestyle choices and personality in mind. For example, if you are an athletic individual, you might want to consider more durable lenses and frames that can withstand the activities you participate in.  Those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen might be interested in lenses with an anti-glare coating.  And those who really want to let their outgoing personality shine through can choose fun, colorful frames.  You’re going to be wearing your perfect glasses every day, so it’s important to make sure they are comfortable and practical for you.

Family Vision Development Center Has the Perfect Glasses for You

Choosing the perfect glasses can be a tough decision, so we are here to help!  At Family Vision Development Center, our professional team can help you explore the many available options in frames and lenses based on your individual needs.  We have a large selection of fashionable, designer frames to suit your style, and we will explain the many possible combinations of features and styles to help you craft the best pair of glasses that you will enjoy wearing every day.

Family Vision Development Center is a full-service eye care provider and neuro-optometric rehabilitation center in Aurora, Il.  We treat patients of all ages with services ranging from comprehensive vision exams to advanced vision care such as post-concussive vision therapy.  Contact us for all your eye care needs by calling 630-862-2020.

concussion facts

5 Crucial Concussion Facts for Parents of Active Kids

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that results from a bump, blow or jolt to the head or the body that is violent enough to cause the brain to hit the skull.  For parents of active kids, they need to understand that this type of head injury can have a serious effect on a young, developing brain, and should be dealt with appropriately. Knowing how to respond to a concussion can make a difference in preventing further, long-term negative effects.

A Concussion Can Happen During Any Sport

Many parents think they only need to worry about their child getting a concussion if they play a very physical sport, like football or hockey.  But the truth is that a concussion can happen at any time while participating in just about any sport or athletic activity.  For instance, soccer, basketball, karate, and even rollerblading or cycling can present the possibility of a head injury.

Always Insist on Head Protection

Kids very often underestimate the need for wearing a helmet.  Parents might suggest wearing one, but give in as kids choose to forgo the head protection.  But it is so important for parents, and coaches, to be firm in their insistence that kids always wear properly-fitting, sport-appropriate headgear at all times.  A head injury can happen in an instant and can have lasting consequences when proper head protection is not being used.

Stop Playing Immediately After a Head Injury

Competitive kids may be inclined to “shake it off” and keep playing, even after being hit in the head.  Unfortunately, parents might agree, especially if their child does not appear to be physically injured or bleeding.  However, this is a very poor decision as a second injury could be even more dangerous, possibly resulting in lasting brain damage or even death.  Any child that has experienced any type of blow to the head, whether by falling down or colliding with another player, should immediately stop participating and have their injury examined by a doctor or sideline trainer.  Additionally, they should not return to physical activities until a doctor has determined that it is safe to do so.

Watch for Telltale Signs of Concussion

Signs and symptoms of a concussion may show up quickly after the injury, but not always.  In fact, it could be hours or even days for symptoms to become obvious.  It can be difficult to determine the severity of an injury right away.  And you must remember that some symptoms may not appear until several days to more than a week after the injury.  So be on the lookout for the following:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness or balance problems
  • Confusion or forgetfulness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Feeling sluggish, groggy or slowed down
  • Mood or personality changes
  • A general feeling that something is not right
  • Difficulty with sleep

A Concussion Can Affect Vision

Along with the above symptoms, a concussion can also cause changes to your vision (known as post-concussive vision syndrome). Some vision problems that can result from a head injury include:

  • Eye focusing – not being able to quickly and easily see an object clearly (objects look blurry)
  • Eye Movements and Tracking – not able to easily follow a moving object from one spot to another, or switch fixation from one object to another. Sometimes this can be reported by students saying that words are moving on the page.
  • Depth Perception Issues – difficulty with accurately judging the distance between objects.
  • Eye Teaming – not able to get both eyes to work together to focus on an object, often reported as double vision
  • Peripheral Vision Loss – problems with your wide-angle field of vision, or feeling like you’re looking through a narrow tube

Vision therapy is an extremely effective form of treatment for post-concussive vision syndrome that occurs following a head injury.  This type of individualized rehabilitation program helps to retrain the visual system to restore proper communication between the eyes and brain.  Family Vision Development Center is an exceptional concussion center that incorporates vision therapy programs to correct visual disorders that occur as a result of head trauma.  Contact us at 630-862-2020 to learn more or to schedule an appointment in our Aurora office location.
