Monthly Archives: January

eye tracking

Watch for these Top 13 Signs of an Eye Tracking Problem

Parents with a struggling student may be quick to assume a learning issue is the cause.  However, a vision condition that causes difficulty with eye tracking may actually be what is behind the problems. Understanding what eye tracking means, the importance of this visual function, and how to correct this type of disorder can help parents stay on top of their child’s visual health as well as their success in school.

Why Proper Eye Tracking is Important

Eye tracking, also called visual tracking, is the eyes’ ability to work in sync with each other to accurately follow moving objects. Additionally, this visual skill allows for precise movements from word to word in a line of text.

Eye tracking movements are an essential part of healthy vision and are important in everyday life. For example, some activities that require proper eye tracking skills include:

  • Quick scanning for information (while reading or in the world around you)
  • Following or catching a ball while playing sports
  • Focusing while jumping from one spot to another
  • Reading a book
  • Writing in a straight line
  • Maintaining attention on a task

If a child’s eye tracking skills are not properly developed, it can negatively affect their reading fluency and comprehension, writing and spelling abilities, math skills, test scores and sports performance.  Furthermore, this effect on overall academic and athletic performance not only affects their potential grades, but their overall self-confidence as well.

Common Signs of an Eye Tracking Problem

A child may not always realize that they are experiencing difficulty because of a vision problem. However, there are signs to watch out for that can indicate an eye tracking issue.

  • Frequently skipping lines or words or losing their place when reading
  • Poor comprehension when reading
  • Confusing similar words
  • Writing words, numbers or letters in reverse
  • Reading below grade level
  • Rubbing or squinting their eyes when reading
  • Frequent drowsiness after reading for short periods
  • Using a finger as a marker or aid while reading
  • Reduced attention span when reading
  • Eye strain or headaches when doing close-up work like reading or homework
  • Complains that words seem to float or move around on the page
  • Poor or illegible handwriting
  • Difficulty playing sports

How to Correct an Eye Tracking Issue

If you notice any of the above signs or symptoms, the best precaution is to get a comprehensive vision exam to positively identify any vision issues.  It should be noted that if a child gets results from a vision screening that indicate 20/20 vision, that does NOT necessarily mean that they have perfect vision. In fact, 20/20 vision simply means they are able to clearly see a specific letter on an eye chart at a distance of 20 feet. This standard screening is not able to accurately diagnose a vision disorder, such as an eye tracking problem.

It should also be noted that a child will not simply outgrow an eye tracking issue. In essence, in order to correct an eye tracking problem, you must take specific action.  In our experience, the most effective form of treatment for an eye tracking problem is a customized vision therapy program.  At Family Vision Development Center, our providers are highly-trained in advanced vision therapy techniques.  These programs consist of specific eye exercises that strengthen the neural connection between the eyes and the brain in order to restore normal eye movements.

Contact us at 630-862-2020 to discover how vision therapy can provide an incredible solution to your child’s school struggles.  We look forward to helping your child achieve healthy vision as well as reach their full academic potential!



Family Vision Development Center is a full-service vision center offering innovative vision therapy services, post-concussive vision rehabilitation, comprehensive vision exams for eyeglasses and contact lenses, management of ocular diseases including glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration and cataracts, and a state-of-the-art optical center offering the latest designs in eyewear.

better vision new year

5 Easy Changes for Better Vision in the New Year

As the start of a new year rolls around, many people look for ways to improve their life for the upcoming year.  This can be accomplished in many ways, and is different for each person.  But one thing everyone should be focused on is how to promote better vision.  Our vision is precious, and maintaining healthy vision for life is an important goal.  Luckily, there are some very easy changes you can make right away to get started on that journey.


Wear Sunglasses

One of the easiest and most significant changes you can make to your daily routine to promote better vision is to make sure you wear sunglasses.  Every day. Without question.  Many people really underestimate the importance of this simple action. But the fact is, the sun’s harmful UV rays can cause serious vision damage.  Wearing sunglasses each time you leave the house can help protect against cataracts, macular degeneration and more.  As a bonus, they do not have to be expensive glasses. In fact, as long as they indicate either “100% UV protection”, “protection against UVA and UVB” or “UV400”, they should be effective at blocking rays.


Add More Vegetables into your Diet

At this time of year, many people make a resolution to start eating more healthy foods.  This is a great idea in general for better health. But it can also lead to better vision. Research has indicated that certain vegetables contain a number of vitamins and minerals that are known to promote better vision.  For example, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes and carrots can be good sources of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, beta-carotene, antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin. These eye-healthy nutrients can be added in throughout your daily meals to help you build better vision for life.


Be Diligent with Contact Lens Care

After getting comfortable wearing contacts, it is easy to sometimes neglect your care routine. Unfortunately, this common mistake can lead to vision problems if it becomes a habit. The truth is, consistent care is essential to maintain healthy vision.  In this respect, it is important to properly clean and store your contacts according to your doctor’s instructions.  This means using appropriate cleaning solutions (not saliva or water), washing your hands before touching your contacts, and always keeping them stored in a clean case.


Take a Break from Digital Screens

It is so easy to become engrossed in digital screens. From computer screens at work to phones throughout the day, or television screens in the evening, it seems that our entire days are spent staring at screens. But too much of this can lead to digital eye strain, with symptoms like headaches, blurry vision, dry eyes, light sensitivity and more.  For better vision, be sure to take frequent breaks from your screens. A good rule to stick to is to give your eyes a break every 20 minutes, by looking at least 20 feet into the distance for at least 20 seconds (think 20/20/20).


Commit to an Annual Vision Exam

Many people take the time to see their doctor annually for a routine physical to maintain their overall health.  However, it is just as important to see your eye doctor for regular eye exams, as many vision conditions are only detectable through a comprehensive evaluation.  Early detection can often give you a far better opportunity to fully correct an issue.  Regular exams allow your eye doctor to detect any changes in vision right away, and begin treatment faster.


At Family Vision Development Center, we want to help you achieve better vision for life. We provide essential vision care services for patients of all ages, including vision exams, vision therapy services, post-concussive vision treatment, and a state-of-the-art optical center for eyeglasses and contact lenses.  Contact us at 630-862-2020 to schedule your appointment today and make your vision a priority in the new year!
