Family Vision Blog

Smoking Can Have Harmful Effects on Your Vision

Smoking is a very dangerous habit and is widely known to cause heart disease, lung cancer, emphysema and the list goes on.  But many people do not realize that smoking can also have significantly damaging effects on your vision and eye health.

What Smoking Can Do To Your Eyes

Some of the ways the smoke and chemicals from tobacco use can affect your eye health include:

  • Causes biological changes in your eyes that can lead to vision loss
  • Interferes with the production of tears
  • Reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to your eyes
  • Can damage the blood vessels in your eyes
  • Can increase the chance of color vision deficiency

Eye Diseases That Can Be Caused By Smoking

Smoking has been linked to many leading causes of vision loss and eye conditions such as:

  • Age Related Macular Degeneration  (AMD)- a leading cause of vision loss in adults 50 and over which occurs when part of the retina called the macula is damaged
  • Cataracts – a clouding of the eye’s natural lens
  • Diabetic Retinopathy – When high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels in the retina
  • Glaucoma – a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight

How To Prevent Eye Damage From Smoking

The best answer, of course, is to quit smoking.  Kicking this habit can greatly reduce your risk of developing some of these eye conditions that can cause vision loss.  If you have never been a smoker, these examples just add to the reasons why you have made a wise choice.

Early detection is always best for your eye health, as many eye conditions can be treated more effectively if diagnosed early.  A thorough eye exam is the only way to detect many eye diseases so always make regular appointments with your optometrist.   Dr. Martin at Family Vision Development Center in Aurora is an experienced optometrist and vision therapist and can diagnose and treat an extensive list of eye conditions.  Call 630-862-2020 to schedule your appointment or use our convenient online appointment request form.

Full referenced article HERE


Understanding Double Vision

Double vision, or Diplopia, occurs when a person sees a double image instead of just one.  It can affect one or both eyes and can result from a variety of underlying conditions, and therefore can be difficult to diagnose and treat.

Causes Of Double Vision

Both eyes must work together in order to form a clear picture.  If damage occurs to eye muscles or nerves, a double image can be created.

Monocular Double Vision Is Double Vision That Occurs In One Eye When Tested Individually.  Some Conditions That Can Cause This To Occur Include:

  • Astigmatism
  • Dry  Eye
  • Abnormality of the Lens
  • Abnormality of the Retina
  • Cataracts

Binocular Double Vision Occurs When A Double Image Is Present Only While Both Eyes Are Open.  The Following Conditions Can Lead To This Type Of Double Vision:

  • Stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Head Injury
  • Diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Graves disease or thyroid disease
  • Convergence insufficiency
  • Childhood strabismus

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Double Vision

Because double vision can occur in one or both eyes, can be constant or variable, and can occur due to a number of possible conditions, a thorough vision examination, including a detailed medical history, must be performed to evaluate eye function, visual acuity and eye health.  Once the underlying cause has been determined, the treatment is tailored to the specific condition.  This can include prescription glasses or contact lenses, vision therapy or even surgery depending on the severity of the condition.

The possible causes of double vision can range from relatively harmless to life-threatening and therefore should be addressed immediately by an experienced optometrist like Dr. Martin at Family Vision Development Center.  He is specially trained in advanced vision therapy techniques and will work with you to create a specific treatment plan based on your diagnosed condition.

Visit for more information or call 630-862-2020 to schedule an appointment at our Aurora location at 452 N. Eola Rd.

Full referenced articles can be found HERE and HERE


Eye Exams are Important at Every Age

Most people understand the importance of seeing their doctor for regular exams in order to maintain their health.  But seeing an eye doctor on a regular basis is just as important in order to maintain proper eye heath and preserve your vision.

Start Early

The old saying about the early bird catching the worm is an accurate one, as many eye conditions are more effectively treated the earlier they are detected.  Unfortunately, many children are not getting regular eye exams, instead relying on simple vision screenings that do not detect many forms of eye disease.  For example, Amblyopia, a vision development disorder, can affect 2-3% of all children.  If promptly treated, vision loss can be avoided.  But if left untreated, it can escalate to the point of legal blindness.

Continued Vision Care 

As you age, regular eye exams can detect many eye diseases that can cause serious damage if not treated such as:

  • Cataracts
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related macular degeneration

Many eye diseases start without any symptoms and therefore go unnoticed for long periods of time, making treatment options more difficult in some cases.  A comprehensive eye exam is the best way to detect these diseases in their early stages when treatment is most effective for preventing vision loss.

Recommended Frequency Of Eye Exams

  • Children should have regular eye exams to detect common diseases that need early treatment. The recommended ages for eye exams for children are 6 months, 3 years old and before kindergarten. They should be performed yearly after age 5.
  • People with diabetes and those at higher risk for Glaucoma should get a dilated eye exam every year

Regular visits to your optometrist can keep your vision strong throughout your life.  Contact Family Vision Development Center in Aurora to schedule an appointment for each of your family members to get started on better eye health.  Use our convenient online appointment request form, call us at 630-862-2020 or visit for more information.

Full referenced article HERE


Behavioral Issues Can Be Caused by Vision Problems

Teachers think your child has trouble paying attention in class?

The Reason May Be Their Vision! 

Many classroom concerns can actually be attributed to treatable vision conditions.  Inattentiveness, frustration, lack of organization, acting out in class and many other behavioral issues can be linked to eye conditions such as:

  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Strabismus (crossed eyes)
  • Astigmatism (blurry vision)
  • Convergence Insufficiency
  • Problems with tracking or visual perception

Eye Problems Lead To More Problems

The presence of one of these vision problems can cause a child to experience headaches, eye fatigue, dizziness, poor coordination, or poor concentration and comprehension.  The resulting frustration can lead to poor self-esteem and lack of confidence which can cause children to act out in negative ways such as through anger, bullying or fighting.

Solutions Start With Therapy

Vision Therapy, a form of physical therapy for the eyes, is an extremely effective treatment option for any of these conditions and involves a series of eye exercises that help patients develop or recover normal visual skills.  Family Vision Development Center in Aurora will evaluate your child with a thorough eye exam and develop a treatment plan designed to correct their specific problem.  Call us at 630-862-2020 or visit to learn more or to schedule an appointment using our online request form.

Referenced article can be found HERE


That Blurry Vision Could be Lazy Eye

That Blurry Vision Could be Lazy Eye

If your child is experiencing signs of blurry vision or lack of depth perception, they might be suffering from Amblyopia, or “lazy eye”.   Lazy eye means that one eye does not see as clearly as the other, even with glasses or contact lenses, and sometimes may involve a crossing or turning of the eyes.  This type of eye condition is not completely treatable with eyeglasses or contact lenses and often requires vision therapy.

Vision Therapy Is A Successful Treatment Option For Lazy Eye

Vision Therapy for Amblyopia involves special vision training for the eyes, medically proven to be an effective form of treatment.  After a preliminary evaluation at The Family Vision Development Center, Dr. Martin will determine the appropriate therapy program designed to treat your child’s specific vision needs.

Early Detection Is Best

Amblyopia is treatable at any age, from infant to adult.  However, the earlier a diagnosis is made and treatment started, the better the chance of favorable results from therapy.  That is why regular eye exams and communication with your optometrist is so important for early detection of a problem.  Contact Family Vision Development Center in Aurora at 630-862-2020 to schedule your appointment today.

Information referenced from this article


Vision Rehabilitation for Post-Concussive Syndrome

Participating in sports as a child or adult can be a very rewarding, character-building experience.  But a single blow to the head, even if it is minor, can result in a concussion.

What Is A Concussion?

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that occurs after a sudden bump, jolt or blow to the head.  This movement can cause the brain to bounce around and push against the inside of the skull and get bruised.  Signs of a concussion may occur right away, but sometimes are not noticed until weeks later, and can include headache, nausea, difficulty reading, double vision, fatigue, confusion or memory problems.

Vision Impairment After A Concussion

Some of the most common complaints of patients after experiencing a concussion due to post-concussive vision syndrome are constant headaches and difficulty with reading.  Some other visual symptoms might include:

  • Difficulty coordinating the eyes with the body
  • Double vision
  • Trouble focusing
  • Loss of vision from part of the visual field
  • Inability to use both eyes together, especially when reading or working on a computer

When any of these vision symptoms are present, the ability to function properly or perform daily tasks can be compromised.  Posture and balance can be affected, and activities such as walking, running, reading, playing sports or driving may become difficult or impossible.

Treatment With Vision Rehabilitation

A concussion is an injury that should be taken seriously and the most effective treatment for post-concussion vision syndrome involves input from all doctors involved in the patient’s care, such as their neuro-developmental optometrist, medical doctor, neurologist or psychologist.

Dr. Martin at Family Vision Development Center will complete a thorough assessment, and with input from other appropriate doctors, will develop an individualized rehabilitation treatment program consisting of a series of therapeutic visual exercises designed to restore visual functions.  Visit our office at 452 N. Eola Rd in Aurora, IL or call us at 630-862-2020 for more information or to schedule an appointment.


Read referenced article HERE


5 Ways to Protect Your Vision

Many people are under the impression that eyesight will automatically deteriorate with age, regardless of how you take care of your eyes.  However, there are steps that can, and should, be taken to protect your eyes from damage and disease and maintain healthy vision.

Get Regular Eye Exams

Preventative and routine eye exams are very important to maintain good eye health.  Not only will they determine if you need glasses, but many vision problems and diseases are not obvious and are only detected through an exam performed by a licensed optometrist.

Eat Vision-Healthy Foods

Consuming a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables has been known to promote good eye heath.  Studies have also found that foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids can be extremely beneficial as they can help reduce ocular inflammation and irritation that occurs in dry eye, as well as improve vision cells overall.

Keep Your Weight Under Control

Being overweight can lead to an increase in diabetes and high blood pressure which can sometimes lead to vision complications like glaucoma or vision loss.

Wear Sunglasses When Outside

More than just a fashion accessory, sunglasses provide protection against harmful UV rays emitted by the sun.  Always purchase sunglasses from a reputable source and make sure they block 99 – 100 percent of UVA and UVB radiation.

Give Your Eyes Regular Rest

Staring at a computer screen all day can lead to eye strain, fatigue or computer vision syndrome.  To reduce some of this strain, it is best to take regular short breaks to look away from the screen and focus on something else.

Family Vision Development Center is your comprehensive vision specialist and can provide all of your eye care needs, from thorough eye exams to stylish eyewear to expert advice on how to properly care for and protect your eyes.  Visit us at or call us at 630-862-2020 to schedule your appointment.

Full referenced article  HERE


How to Care for Contact Lenses

If you are wearing contact lenses to correct your vision, it is important that you care for them properly in order to keep your eyes healthy and comfortable.

Personal Care

There are a number of things you can do in terms of personal hygiene that will help keep the process of replacing your contact lenses clean and sanitary.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with a mild soap and rinse completely before touching the contact lenses
  • Make sure your hands are free of any lotions or oils, or lint from towels, before handling the lenses
  • Keep your fingernails short and smooth and try to avoid contact between your nails and the lenses

Contact Lens Care

Proper care of contact lenses requires following the specific routine prescribed by your eye care professional.  The following tips will ensure the best experience possible:

  • Use fresh, unexpired lens solution and carefully follow the specific instructions on the solution bottle
  • Not all solutions are safe for all lenses so do not alternate or mix solutions
  • Do not put lenses in your mouth or use saliva to lubricate your lenses
  • Never rinse your lenses in tap water, as the lens could wash down the drain, or the impurities in the water may damage the lenses
  • Contact lenses should be stored in an appropriate lens case, and the case should be cleaned regularly to avoid bacteria growth

If you ever notice symptoms of redness, itching, burning, eye pain, discomfort or any abnormal changes in your vision it is important to remove the contact lenses and contact your optometrist immediately.

Regular Eye Exams Are An Important Part Of Wearing Contacts

The doctors at Family Vision Development Center in Aurora are here to help make the experience as easy as possible.  We offer the latest in contact lens technologies and offer a variety of designs, such as daily wear, extended wear and specialty lenses.  Call us at 630-862-2020 to schedule your appointment or visit to learn more about our practice.

Full referenced article can be read HERE


Symptoms and Treatment of Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a condition in which the front part of the eyeball, known as the cornea, is shaped incorrectly, and therefore light does not focus properly on the retina.  This leads to blurred vision at any distance from an object.


Astigmatism can affect both children and adults.  The following factors might indicate the presence of this condition:

  • Headaches
  • Eyestrain
  • Squinting
  • Distorted or blurred vision at all distances
  • Difficulty driving at night

Some of these symptoms may be mild and therefore go unnoticed, especially in children.  That is why it is important to have regular eye exams with an experienced optometrist like Dr. Martin at Family Vision Development Center in Aurora.

How Is It Diagnosed? 

A comprehensive eye exam is the most effective way to diagnose common eye conditions like astigmatism.  At Family Vision, Dr. Martin will first complete a thorough consultation, asking detailed questions about family history, medications, and any current vision symptoms you may be experiencing.  The eye exam will then allow the doctor to evaluate your overall eye health and determine the presence of any issues that need to be addressed, including astigmatism.


Fortunately, most cases of astigmatism can be treated with eyeglasses or contact lenses.  Your optometrist can easily prescribe appropriate lenses to correct your vision and can help you determine if glasses or contacts are the best choice for your lifestyle.

In some cases, however, refractive surgery may be required.  This involves permanently changing the shape of the cornea, therefore correcting the focusing ability of the eye by allowing light rays to precisely focus on the retina.

Only your eye care professional should help you determine the best type of treatment.  Contact Family Vision in Aurora at 630-862-2020 to schedule your appointment or you can also use our convenient online appointment request form .

Read the fully referenced article HERE


Improve Performance With Sports Vision Therapy

Improve Performance With Sports Vision Therapy

Just like speed and strength, vision also plays a big role in sports.  Many different vision skills work together to affect how well you play a sport.  Exercise and practice can not only increase your strength and speed, they can also improve your visual fitness and accuracy through sports vision therapy.  Unlike other forms of exercise, the goal of this therapy is not to strengthen the eye muscles, but to change how you process or interpret visual information.

What Is Sports Vision Therapy?

Sports Vision Therapy is a progressive program of vision exercises that enhance fundamental vision skills and abilities that are critical to athletic performance.  Many athletes in a variety of different sports use this type of therapy, and the right therapist and program can help an athlete gain an edge over the other competitors on the field.

Sports Vision Therapy Can Enhance Or Improve A Wide Range Of Visual Skills Including The Following:

  • Peripheral vision – seeing out of the corners of your eyes
  •  Depth perception – judging the distance and speed of objects or players on the playing field
  • Visual tracking – the ability to follow a moving object easily and accurately with your eyes
  • Visual reaction time – the time you need to see and react to visual information (such as a ball coming at your head)
  • Hand-eye coordination – the ability to effectively coordinate your eyes and hands during a game

What Vision Therapists Offer

At Family Vision Development Center in Aurora, IL, we offer evaluations that are individually designed to improve sports vision skills, and go above and beyond a normal eye exam.  We will create a personalized vision therapy program designed to improve visual efficiency, which will in turn improve athletic performance.

Contact us at 630-862-2020 for more information or request an appointment online.

Full article can be read HERE
